About OIPD Membership

Twenty Benefits of Joining Oxbridge Institute of Professional Development – UK and Cambridge Global Learning programs
1. Being a member of a UK Professional body (OIPD) that is a virtual, not-for-profit, non sectarian, non-political, non-partisan and non-hierarchical global network.
2. Being a member of network of scientists & learning practitioners with many strategic alliance partners that promotes shared learning and professional development.
3. Qualified members are awarded Professional Fellowships – thus enhancing their image, branding, and status.
4. Opportunities to undertake charitable and philanthropic work – related to continuous and lifelong learning and professional development including some SDG’s.
5. Learning Centres and programmes can be accredited by OIPD-UK. (For AIM’s)
6. Members share research, knowledge, expertise, and best practices, related to Learning and Development.
7. CGL publishes an E-zine (REALISE) and OIPD a Journal (IJPD), which members receive on a complimentary basis.
8. Members have opportunities for paid consultancy work, when made available to OIPD.
9. Members can promote their expertise, products, or services, globally.
10. Members may be invited to write articles and present papers at seminars and conferences of OIPD or its partners and associates.
11. CGL offers its own professional Certification and a Post Graduate level qualifications, via Hybrid or E-Learning, aligned to Level 7 – of the UK Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).
12. Members earn Continuing Professional Development (CPD) & Accredited Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) points from their qualifications & experience.
13. Such credits go toward exemptions to their awards such as a Professional Certification or a Professional Masters.
14. Higher level awards, like a Professional Specialist Doctorate Fellowship (Dr.S) are gained from a written portfolio report and viva.
15. Members can benefit from counselling services, including the profiling of their learning style preferences, competence potential or personality traits and EI.
16. Members can both receive or provide professional coaching or mentoring services.
17. Members who nominate new members receive a ‘finder’s fee’, upon their joining OIPD.
18. Members can become social entrepreneurs dedicated to philanthropic projects in emergent economies.
19. OIPD has an International Board of Advisors & Assessors of ‘Distinguished Fellows’, ready to help any member.
20. All CGL and OIPD certificates are authenticated and verified by our strategic partner GenuineIN which provides a digital portfolio for members who would like this.