“We welcome your joining our global network of fellow like-minded Professionals”
1. Being a member of a Prestigious Global Professional Body,registered in the UK.

2. Achieving recognition for experience and competence that can lead to Professional Specialist Doctoral awards (Dr.S. or DBA.). Or, receiving a Post-Doctoral Senior Research Fellow award, carrying the title of Professor

3. Being able to apply Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points and Accredited Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) to gain a Professional Qualification and a Life-Fellowship award.

4. Having your Certification courses accredited by a Professional Institute, officially listed in the British Qualifications Handbook.

5. Being able to receive guidance, coaching, or career counselling.

1. Becoming a Certified Professional in Business Leadership, Management or as a Strategist, Coach, Trainer, Facilitator, etc.

2. Opportunity to use validated & affordable assessment tools for organizational, personal, professional growth and development.

3. Networking across the globe with like-minded professionals who share a common vision, mission, and set of values.

4. Receiving a periodical electronic Journal on Professional Development combined with a magazine on learning and the occasional newsletter.

5. Opportunity to contribute to, and benefit from, applied research on Professional Development, by attending seminars, courses & conferences, physically or virtually.

Additional Membership Benefits
Exclusive Complimentary Subscription to an International Journal (IJPD) and an e-magazine for Members
Section A
International Journal of Professional Development
Section B