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Peter Shephard – Oxbridge Institute of Professional Development (OIPD), UK

Peter Shephard

February 8, 2022

Cambridge Global Learning’s SDG Initiatives

Most of us recognize the beauty of trees and their many other values. They help protect our waterways by intercepting storm water, stabilizing soil and saving […]
February 8, 2022

International Conference on Learning (ICOL2021)

This conference attracted delegates from ten countries, with speakers from six countries, four of whom are on OIPD’s Advisory Board. They are Dr Andal, Dr Asma, […]
February 6, 2022

OIPD-CGL partners with GenuineIn to launch Digital Smart Certificates

Our new partnership with Genuine-In, who digitalized our Conference Certificates of Attendance and Appreciation. This was formally launched at ICOL21 and OIPD/CGL extends a big thank […]