OIPD-CGL partners with GenuineIn to launch Digital Smart Certificates
February 6, 2022
Cambridge Global Learning’s SDG Initiatives
February 8, 2022

International Conference on Learning (ICOL2021)

This conference attracted delegates from ten countries, with speakers from six countries, four of whom are on OIPD’s Advisory Board. They are Dr Andal, Dr Asma, Dr Jeannette, and yours truly, your Managing Editor, Dr Peter. Thanks to Asma, who collected some of the key learning highlights, we are able to present them for you here in this magazine. Thanks, Asma and to Jeannette, from San Diego, who had to get up at 4.30 am to join this virtual conference, hosted in Malaysia. The challenge of living in different time zones. Thank you Jeannette!

We also here want to thank the other speakers, Priscilla and Nanthini as well as Dr Philix, the conference convenor and organizer and zoom host. Sadly the moderator, from Indonesia, lost a close relative the day before and was unable to join. Our condolences are extended to her and her family. Of course, we thank all the delegates, from Africa, Egypt, Lebanon, India, and Malaysia, including the state of Sarawak.


List of Speakers 

Key learnings and highlights from the conference was derived from answering the questions as below:


  • What do you remember from the ICOL sessions?
  • What information stood out
  • What was clear and unclear


  • How did you feel about what was started?
  • What points were most useful, Interesting and absorbing?


  • What did you learn from our sessions?
  • What is the key insight for you?
  • What was ICOL all about?


  • How can we apply some of the things we did?
  • What challenges will be face?


Key insights and learnings from the sessions are as follows:

  1. Virtual learning can be difficult due to usage of technology, so we need to be patient with students as we need to wait for their responses.
  2. As for the importance of blended learning with adult learners, its always important to speak in the language of the client in organizations, avoid stereotypes , understand the infrastructure when we use technology and make use of feedback from participants.
  3. We can use the Johari window to understand cultures. There is room for improvement in using technology. This has made me rethink my own facilitation.



  • The greatest gift we give to ourselves is the ability of self exploration. This is what coaching can do to move from good to great
  • Self evaluation is not measuring your success by someone else’s standards
  • Self Learning is Like Quantum learning where learning comes from being coached, mentored and trained. It allows you to see your own blind spots, integrates life skills and makes visible the genius of the child.
  • Kinesiology is great to stimulate dyslexic learners. It is a great medium used to accelerate learning from Being to Becoming
  • Knowing that we can all teach and learn especially from young people is a most humbling experience in our lives. Their minds are innocent and will demand that we relook at our own beliefs, and self limiting perceptions and WGO, which can reduce our ability to setp up to, in facing life’s challenges.
  • As teachers, we need to be teachable. This will open up our minds, and ability to become more intentional in our self learning journey.


  • Prof. Dr. is a prolific researcher having worked in over 15 countries, and the Chief Editor of an e-zine on learning and OIPD’s Journal. He has authored 8 books, and also speaks and trains on whole-brain thinking, strategic leadership and cross cultural management. He a Distinguished Fellow of Oxbridge Institute of Professional Development (UK) and on the International Board of Advisors.

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