International Conference on Learning (ICOL2021)
February 8, 2022

OIPD-CGL partners with GenuineIn to launch Digital Smart Certificates

Our new partnership with Genuine-In, who digitalized our Conference Certificates of Attendance and Appreciation. This was formally launched at ICOL21 and OIPD/CGL extends a big thank you to them for sponsoring their services for the ICOL21 delegates and speakers.

What is innovative, is that a QR code is inserted into the digital certificate so that it can be authenticated as genuine and not a fake. An added feature is the creation of a person’s Curriculum Vitae (CV) in a digital format so that all the content can recorded and periodically updated. Very easy to access and be sent to a prospective employer when applying for a job.

The state-of-the-art technology builds a micro-credential ecosystem and ensures information security and the authenticity of issued certificates.

Our credential platform prepares, generates, prints, shares, and verifies smart credentials in the form of digital certificates, digital badges and genuine records under the embedded cloud technology.

GenuineIn is an EdTech start-up which offers a framework that empowers and aligns multiple stakeholders in the education and employment landscape.

The ecosystem of personal profiles with genuine data authentication, interoperable learning records and exchange of information becomes an arena for the industry to choose the best talent and for candidates to pick preferred employers.

The AI-based analytics allows data-driven decisions as it has the technology to communicate with different interfaces.

The system provides a micro-credential system to recognize learners’ activities & skill outcomes, and they are converted as records of transferrable skills.

Get your digital credential today via CGL/OIPD accredited programs and courses. Contact us today!


  • Prof. Dr. is a prolific researcher having worked in over 15 countries, and the Chief Editor of an e-zine on learning and OIPD’s Journal. He has authored 8 books, and also speaks and trains on whole-brain thinking, strategic leadership and cross cultural management. He a Distinguished Fellow of Oxbridge Institute of Professional Development (UK) and on the International Board of Advisors.

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